Hello all,

Unless you were redirected here from it, you may not know we just launched a "proper" website. The quotation marks are extra appropriate as the new moniker for The Transient's online presence is


We were probably going to go with something more standardized like "transientmovie.com" but godaddy must have sold its domain name searches as they have been known to do, and someone bought it out from under us a week after checking its availability.

In other news, we made it into the Mid Ohio Comic Con Film Festival, Columbus Ohio, Oct 4-5. Still waiting to see if we pulled any awards, but should be neat either way.
This is the only fest we have pending right now, and it looks a little quiet in the festival submission circuits until late October-Early November, but then we'll be trying to get into all sorts of places.

Okay, time to make sure that the cut for this weekend won't blow up or melt in DVD players, or do something else exciting when it comes to show this Sunday.


PS we are showing this weekend in Springfield! See below news post if you somehow read this in the next 3 days!