See normally, a post with that title would be proceeded by a post along the lines of "Editing is completely actually done!"

While that may not be *exactly* the case, we do have a pretty darn solid cut together with only minor audio levels left to adjust for different TVs and a few preproduced canned, bland, parts of the score to hopefully be replaced by composed music.

We mailed off to the Route 66 Film Festival in Springfield, taking a chance and entering the "Films about Lincoln or set in Lincoln's era" category.

Normally I'm frugal enough to not enter a fest's last-minute-inflated-for-their-trouble deadline but we absolutely had to enter this one for obvious reasons. Hope the semi-roughness doesn't throw us out the window.

Anyway, the premiere is being scheduled for pre summer, and then again near the first of the year on campus with IFV.

Cross your fingers for luck!


Matt said...

We're eagerly anticipating the Route 66 Film Festival.

Can't wait to see this film!