Heyo new site design.

Let me know if it COMPLETELY doesn't work in your browser. I sort of frankensteined it together from a few different templates to get it to do what I wanted as I brush up on my interweb coding.

In any case, we'll probably move to a regular domain name once I stop being cheap. I don't think blogger will let me add subpages among other things so nuts to that.

As for the movie itself.

Its coming! We just watched a fully assembled rough a few nights ago and it wasn't half terrible! Now we're on to sound design and scoring with a teeny tiny weekend of reshoots in mid-June. (only a year later ha. ha.) We're aiming at entering a regional film festival in early July (it has a "Lincoln" category) so with a spot of luck we'll be totally done with post-production by then.

In any case, I guess I'll let this trainwreck of a website go "public" tonight most likely. Let me know if you're interested in scoring or being an extra in the film proper, and peace out.
